In a day and age where technology is at our fingertips, have you ever wondered if social media is a potential threat to your relationship? The impact of social media can be harmful to your relationship but there are steps partners can take to avoid potential issues within the relationship.
Studies show that one in every seven relationships ends because of social media. Too much social media can lead to reduced quality time, generate unnecessary conflict, and decrease relationship satisfaction. Social media can create a wedge within a relationship that ultimately breaks down a couples closeness.
So how do partners recharge their relationship and learn to disconnect together? One of the best things you can do as a couple is create “no phone” times. These times will be times allotted for spending uninterrupted quality time with one another without any outside distractions, especially from social media. A time to just unplug and reconnect with your partner without distraction.
At the end of the day it’s important to remember that social media is a distraction and although distractions can be nice, they can also distract us from ourselves and our relationships and lead to an unhealthy outcome.
Negative Effects of Social Media on Relationships:
1. Social media can create unrealistic expectations that your partner cannot live up to.
2. Social media can create jealousy.
3. Social media can lead to more conflict within the relationship
4. Social media can make your real life seem more mundane and lead to seeking outside fulfillment.
5. Social media can decrease the amount of quality time you spend with your partner.

Ways to Navigate Social Media as a Couple to Create a Healthier Relationship:
1. Make quality time a priority without incorporating social media.
2. Before posting anything on social media pertaining to your relationship make sure to check in with your partner first.
3. Although it can be tempting, don’t stick your nose in your partner’s social media.
4. A good rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t do something in person it’s probably not a good idea to do it online either.
5. Try to remember that without face to face engagement it can be hard to judge your partner intent based on their social media searches, posts, etc., so try and give them the benefit of the doubt.
6. Lastly, remember to have on-going discussions about social media and your relationship.
Social Media Impact on Relationships
Social media can be a great way to connect but it can also be disastrous for your relationship. Dr. Ish Major, a board certified psychiatrist and co-host of MTV’s Marriage and Family Boot Camp has spent over 15 years working with couples to help them navigate through the many ups and downs of dating, to include the impact social media has on relationships. He talks about the importance of focusing on your own life and relationship, not being so caught up with other couples. With regard to creating a balance within the relationship, he believes that love can be unconditional but the posts no necessarily. If a relationship isn’t working for one partner, then it’s not working for either partner. But don’t worry, social media isn’t all bad! If you know the potential impacts and communicate with your partner, you are in good shape.
Check out what Dr. Ish Major has to say about social media and the impact it has on relationships here:
May the Force be with you,
Angelina Taylor, MSPSY, MAMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
907. 313.4433 Ext. 106