Self-care is important!
You have to take care of yourself if you want to be able to take care of your relationship. When your relationship is feeling off balance it can be important to check in on yourself and take some time to be as Dr. Gottman would say, “selfish.” Think of the word “self-care” as investing time in yourself, a way to recharge so that you can bring your best self into your relationship. Gottman’s research has shown that taking time for self-care allows for relationship growth and a stronger connection between partners.
In today’s chaotic world it can be tough to find time for anything, let alone self-care but it is invaluable; And when you are in a relationship, self-care is a vital piece to creating a healthy relationship and growth within the relationship.
When one or both partners is not regularly engaging in self-care the relationship tends to suffer. We are naturally impacted by our partners energy and when someone is feeling rundown, stressed out, or emotionally exhausted, the relationship is going to be impacted regularly.
Creating a space for each partner to have a sense of not just “we” time but “me” time can cultivate the relationship soil and promote relationship growth. Within an intimate relationship, making time for self-care is vital.
So don’t forget to make “me” time for relationship growth!
Ways to Incorporate Self-Care for Relationship Growth
1, Take Time for You: When you enter into a relationship you are two individual people. It is important to engage in solo time for activities that bring you personal happiness to recharge and be a more invested partner.
2, Be Honest with Yourself: Make sure you are regularly checking in with yourself on how you are feeling with your relationship and how you are each investing in the relationship.
3, Set Healthy Boundaries: It is important to acknowledge the emotional, physical, and psychological space between you and your partner. Setting healthy boundaries is important to maintaining a healthy self and relationship.
4, Sweep Away the Toxic: If your relationship is more crappy than happy it may be time to sweep away the toxic. Toxic people can jeopardize positive energy and who we surround ourselves with is an important element of self-care.
5. Heal Old Wounds: It is important to explore our past. To look at our family of origin as well as past trauma that might be creeping into our relationship. Remember, emotional injuries can sabotage your relationship if not addressed.

Love Yourself First: Why Self-Care Is Essential For Healthy Relationships
Taking “me” time is vital to growing a healthy relationship. Self-care is not “selfish” but rather necessary for ones physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Self-care is about taking care of yourself so you can bring your best self into your relationship. When we ignore our own needs and put our partners first it can lead to burnout. It is important to find a healthy balance between “me” and “we” time within your relationship and learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries with your partner to promote relationship growth.
Listen to what the Optimal Human Experience has to say about loving yourself first and why self-care is essential for healthy relationships here:
May the Force be with you,
Angelina Taylor, MSPSY, MAMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
907. 313.4433 Ext. 106