The holidays are both exiting and overwhelming. Often an important piece of your life gets put on the back burner, the connection with your partner. When the holidays are in full swing it can be easy to become disconnected with not only yourself but your partner.
It is easy to become disconnected from your partner and start to feel stressed, exhausted, and even resentful when you feel like you have to make the holidays a magical time. There’s fear saying the dreaded word “no”, and losing sight of the true meaning of this time of year.
The holidays can be a time of increased stress and expectations that shift relationship dynamics at a time when partners want to feel more connected, leaving both feeling lonely, frustrated, and often unfulfilled.
The holidays can cause increased conflict and stress, which can bring about turmoil for couples. Research shows that the rate of failed relationships increases drastically in the first few months following the holidays, which could be a direct result of the conflict and stress couples endure during this time of year.
It is time to embrace that good enough is the new perfect! That it is not about how much needs to get accomplished, who’s checking their list and marking it twice. Its about just being mindful and remaining present in the little moments together where the best parts of being a couple live and the true connection happens.
So give it a try, you never know how one little shift could change the course of your holiday season and strengthen your relationship.
Tips for Surviving the Holiday’s as a Couple
- Discuss and plan traditions with your partner.
- Identify and talk with your partner about your own triggers as well as theirs.
- Make a plan for how you will handle when, not if, you have conflict.
- Sprinkle fun into your holiday wherever you can.
- Make a budget for the holidays to avoid any added financial stress.
Although the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, there are numerous stressors such as shopping, traveling, managing schedules, etc. that can quickly steal some of that happiness. It is important to prioritize each other to avoid becoming disconnected. You can do this by “anchoring” which is a term used to intentionally connect with your partner.
Hear more about what relationship coach Matthew P. Hoffman says about surviving the holidays here: